Sunday, January 31, 2010

No-smoking... and return your trays...?!

This picture caught my eye, beacuse of the sure mis-match of the sign!

With the no smoking sign, one would be primed to think that it would be supported by words that describe the no-smoking sign. However, the label beneath the sign is "Please return tray/crockery after use."

For an alien who doesn't know what the no-smoking sign represents, it would be primed to think that that symbol represents the call to return the trays after use.

Funny what we come up with to put in our canteens these days. =)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was at church the other day, and was on duty as a consolidator. The first time ever, actually. So when I looked at the instruction sheet, something caught my eye.

"Be prepared to consolidate up to 2 consolidatees."

It was truly the first time I've ever came across this word, so I ran a check on
Well, surprise of surprises, this word doesn't exist.

Drawing on a parallel with the "scratchitti" example, I think it's really a use of the suffix "-ee", similar to "mentor" and "mentee", here, we have "consolidator" and "consolidatee". The antonymic relationship of "employer" and "employee" is thus exemplified here in this example.

I guess this does show the subconscious understanding of the derivational suffix "-ee" for the verb "consolidate" here, and also with the antonymic relationship between the one consolidating "consolidator" and the one being consolidated "consolidatee".

Rather apt! =)

The beginning of a new blog

Well, this is rather interesting. I never thought I'd be blogging for a course module!

In any case, welcome to this blog!

I named it Transformational Lexis, because this blog is all about the lexicon; how the lexis can be used in different ways, primed in different ways, and in some sense even, created from the addition of some new lexis!

I think this is going to be an interesting blog of data collation and observations. Can't wait! =)

God Bless!
Luv, Daniel