The recent KPop craze has taken the world by storm, and there have been rather new terms that are coming up.
Take SNSD, who are my personal favourites. If you are a fan of SNSD, you are what we call "soshified", as SNSD stands for So Nyuh Shi Dae, or Girls Generation in Korean.
After going through the lectures on terminology and how they are entered into the dictionary, there is one quote that I find that is very interesting from one of the articles that we went through. I quote it below:
"English is very good at absorbing new words. [But] in three or four years a lot of these words may have fallen out of use and might well come out of the dictionary," Times Online quoted Elaine Higgleton, the Editorial Director for Collins, as saying. (ANI)
from: Then remember how some time ago, when the era of JPop, Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls came out. If you were a fan of them, you'd be "Backstreet", "Spiced" or some other word that uses the group name to convert it to become a verb to be used to describe a fan of the club. Over time, however, these terms died away with the disbanding of the bands, with the exception of the very popular ones, such as Backstreet Boys, whereby there are some countries that have "Backstreet Day", where stores play nothing by Backstreet Boy music. And who can forget "Beetlemania", with girls hounding John Lennon and Paul McCartney as though there is no tomorrow.
So, in time, when SNSD disband as well, or they eventually become like JPop's Morning Musume, whereby they keep taking in new members and "graduating" the senior ones, "soshified" may not even exist anymore in our lexicon. Interesting. =)
Have you
soshified yet? =P
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